CSBadSpeedErr = -9067 •specified speed is unavailable CSBadCISErr = -9066 •CIS on card is invalid CSBadHandleErr = -9065 •clientHandle is invalid CSBadArgsErr = -9064 •values in argument packet are invalid CSBadArgLengthErr = -9063 •ArgLength argument is invalid CSBadWindowErr = -9062 •specified window is invalid CSBadVppErr = -9061 •specified Vpp1 or Vpp2 power level index is invalid CSBadVccErr = -9060 •specified Vcc power level index is invalid CSBadTypeErr = -9059 •specified window or interface type is invalid CSBadSocketErr = -9058 •specified logical or physical socket number is invalid CSBadSizeErr = -9057 •specified size is invalid CSBadPageErr = -9056 •specified page is invalid CSBadOffsetErr = -9055 •specified PC card memory array offset is invalid CSBadIRQErr = -9054 •specified IRQ level is invalid CSBadEDCErr = -9053 •specified EDC generator specified is invalid CSBadBaseErr = -9052 •specified base system memory address is invalid CSBadAttributeErr = -9051 •specified attributes field value is invalid CSBadAdapterErr = -9050 •invalid adapter number kATSUQuickDrawTextErr = -8803 •a line of ATSUI text kATSUNoStyleRunsAssignedErr = -8802 •Used when an attempt was made to measure, highlight or draw a ATSUTextLayout object that has no styleRuns associated with it. Used when QuickDraw Text encounters an error rendering or measuring kATSUNotSetErr = -8801 •Used when the client attempts to retrieve an attribute, font feature, or font variation from a style when it hadn't been set. In such a case, the default value will be returned for the attribute's value kATSUInvalidCacheErr = -8800 •Used when an attempt was made to read in style data from an invalid cache. Either the format of the cached data doesn't match that used by Apple Type Services for Unicode™ Imaging, or the cached data is corrupt kATSUInvalidAttributeTagErr = -8799 •Used when an attempt was made to use a tag value that was not appropriate for the function call it was used kATSUInvalidAttributeSizeErr = -8798 •Used when an attempt was made to use an attribute with a bad size kATSUInvalidAttributeValueErr = -8797 •Used when an attempt was made to use an attribute with a bad or undefined value kATSUInvalidFontErr = -8796 •Used when an attempt was made to use an invalid font ID kATSUNoCorrespondingFontErr = -8795 •This value is retrned by font ID conversion routines ATSUFONDtoFontID() and ATSUFontIDtoFOND() to indicate that the input font ID is valid but there is no conversion possible kATSUFontsNotMatched = -8794 •This value is returned by ATSUMatchFontsToText() when the text contains Unicode characters which cannot be represented by any installed font kATSUFontsMatched = -8793 •This is not an error code but is returned by ATSUMatchFontsToText() when changes need to be made to the fonts associated with the text kATSUInvalidTextRangeErr = -8792,•An attempt was made to extract information information from or perform an operation on a ATSUTextLayout for a range of text not covered by the ATSUTextLayout kATSUInvalidStyleErr = -8791 •An attempt was made to use a ATSUStyle which hadn't been properly allocated or is otherwise in an invalid state kATSUInvalidTextLayoutErr = -8790 •An attempt was made to use a ATSUTextLayout which hadn't been initialized or is otherwise in an invalid state AGErrInsufficientMemory = -2962 AGErrDatabaseOpen = -2961 AGErrInvalidRefNum = -2960 AGErrMissingContextObject = -2959 AGErrMissingAppInfoHdl = -2958 AGErrDatabaseNotOpen = -2957 AGErrDatabaseNotAvailable = -2956 AGErrNoAliasResource = -2955 AGErrCannotOpenAliasFile = -2954 AGErrCannotInitContext = -2953 AGErrCannotInitCoach = -2952 AGErrAppleGuideNotAvailable = -2951 AGErrMacroResourceNotFound = -2934 AGErrNotFrontProcess = -2933 AGErrReserved32 = -2932 AGErrItemNotVisible = -2931 AGErrBalloonResourceSkip = -2930 AGErrAlreadyShowing = -2929 AGErrChdvResourceNotFound = -2928 AGErrChalkResourceNotFound = -2927 AGErrBalloonResourceNotFound = -2926 AGErrItemNotFound = -2925 AGMissingSequenceMap = -2915 AGErrMissingDatabaseSpec = -2914 AGErrSessionIDsNotMatch = -2913 AGErrCannotMakeCoach = -2912 AGErrEventNotAvailable = -2911 AGErrInfoNotAvail = -2910 AGErrMissingString = -2909 AGErrContentNotFound = -2908 AGErrNoPanel = -2907 AGErrReserved06 = -2906 AGErrNotOopsSequence = -2905 AGErrNoSequence = -2904 AGErrNoPreWin = -2903 AGErrNoAccWin = -2902 AGErrCantStartup = -2901 kAGErrUnknownEvent = -2900 themeMonitorDepthNotSupportedErr = -30567 •theme not supported at monitor depth themeScriptFontNotFoundErr = -30566 •theme font requested for uninstalled script system themeBadCursorIndexErr = -30565 themeHasNoAccentsErr = -30564 themeBadTextColorErr = -30563 themeProcessNotRegisteredErr = -30562 themeProcessRegisteredErr = -30561 themeInvalidBrushErr = -30560 •pattern index invalid dsMixedModeFailure = 1011 •Internal Mixed Mode Failure dsBadLibrary = 1010 •Bad shared library exUserBreak = -492 •user debugger break; execute debugger commands on stack strUserBreak = -491 •user debugger break; display string on stack userBreak = -490 •user debugger break hMenuFindErr = -127 •could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey mBarNFnd = -126 •system error code for MBDF not found dsHD20Installed = -12 •say “HD20 Startup” 1)dsSystemFileErr •can’t find System file to open (sad Mac only) 2)(GX Error) transform_no_viewPorts = 43 1)dsNotThe1 •not the disk I wanted 2)(GX Error) transfer_mode_ineffective = 31 dsSysErr = 32767 •general system error 1)dsGreeting •welcome to Macintosh greeting 2)(GX Error) transform_skew_too_large = 40 dsExtensionsDisabled = -13 •say “Extensions Disabled” dsDisassemblerInstalled = -11 •say “Disassembler Installed” dsMacsBugInstalled = -10 •say “MacsBug Installed” dsMBExternFlpySysError = 29204 •Media Bay external floppy drive reconnect warning dsMBATAPISysError = 29203 •Media Bay ATAPI replace warning... dsMBATASysError = 29202 •Media Bay ATA replace warning dsMBFlpySysError = 29201 •Media Bay floppy replace warning dsMBSysError = 29200 •Media Bay replace warning dsSCSIWarn = 20010 •Portable SCSI adapter warning dsShutDownOrResume = 20109 •allow user to return to Finder or ShutDown